Fellow Chapter 29 Members and Friends:
Display Day this weekend at HWD
This Saturday (January 18th) should be very nice for our regularly scheduled Display Day. As usual, hours are from 9am to 1pm. Come on out and enjoy some sunlight, aircrafts and good company with fellow chapter members.
Message from Tim Roberts, President VAA29:
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and happy new year. And speaking of the new year, let’s talk about any ideas for the Chapter during this year. Bring your thoughts and suggestions. Things that people have suggested so far: Flyouts, Chapter hosted lunches (maybe a party?), Young Eagles flights, supporting local pilots and museums, dinner meetings, breakfast meetings, and guest speakers. What do you want to do and how can you assist?”
Reminder: This Saturday (January 18th) we have our regularly scheduled Display Day from 9am to 1pm. NOTE: If you’re visiting and driving in, the easiest access point is via the Administrative Building to the right of the Control Tower. There is usually plenty of parking in the lot. Hope to see you all there!
Old business:
Newsletter Help Needed!
Last month, our friends at the HWD Control Tower were kind enough to host a group of us on a tower tour. Our youths had the opportunity to witness live-action radio calls from ATC and ask plenty of questions from our very own and very knowledgeable Air Traffic Controllers. We would like to be able to share more of these experiences with the Chapter, but we need your help!
Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly... any contribution would be appreciated. If you have writing skills and availability, please let us know. An occasional article with a few good pictures, might be a good opportunity for a student trying to develop their skills or possibly wanting to earn a few school credits. Your Chapter enjoys having these types of activities and hearing about them. Please reach out if you would like to help.
Young Eagles!
We have several youths interested in taking their first Young Eagle flight at HWD. We are grateful for all of those who responded to the call to volunteer on the ground, however, we need more pilots. PILOTS: if you have an aircraft and would like to fly for Young Eagles, please reach out to our YE Coordinator, Deena Ene at msdeena@protonmail.com or (707) 530-9769.
The new EAA Chapter (1686) in Oakland has meetings each 3rd Thursday of the month, from 6pm-8pm at the Oakland Aviation Museum.
For more info, you can visit their website: Chapter 1686 (eaa.org).
Many Hayward airport community members have expressed interest in continuing VAA 29's various activities including: lunches, airport activities, lunch time flyouts, and Young Eagles.
Display Days are scheduled to continue on the third Saturday of each month.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.